Blogging from Calgary
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Touched down in Calgary 2 days ago for the weekend and am having a major blast so far!!
I've been meaning to blog my camping trip at Galiano Island but ImageShack's connection here sucks and I can't seem to upload the pictures on Blogger so gotta wait until I get back (leaving tomorrow night).
Anyway, am on my 3rd day in Calgary and so far, everything is going absolutely fantabulous!
As envious as I am that Mandy and Andrew are in Portland (which is across the border to US of A... which with my Malaysian passport, I can't cross over without having to go through the mambo jumbo of applying for the US Visa... curses to the M'sian passport grrr) and shopping their butts off, I am having a considerably fun time and there are sooooo many videos and pictures for this trip, I may have to resort to video blogging for once!
Once I compile the pictures and videos for this trip, I think it'll be pretty awesome.
Stay tuned for me updates; coming soon :)
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