Half Man Half Tree
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
You guys...
Seriously, I just found out some freakishly disturbing stuff.
So for those of you who get queasy really easily when you see really freaky things, I advise you to not continue on with this post.
No, really... you should click the "x" button. Right now.
As for those who are mildly interested (or weirdly intrigued), let me begin...
It started off with me, minding my own business doing what I like to call "work", while Jay watched TV.
Suddenly, he went, "NAT! Check this out!"
On TLC (The Learning Channel), they were showcasing a "Half Man Half Tree" which had this chronic disease which involves...
It is soooooo disturbing and I am utterly bewildered at the image of it!
I just can't believe this can really happen to a human!!
Okay, are you ready for it?
Here's goes nothing:
That's Dede over there.
It's so sad, really. I feel kinda bad for being completely grossed out...
And especially sad :(
If that happened to me, I'd be devastated.
Basically what happened was when Dede was 15 (he's 20 now.. MY AGE!! And he has a son, yo), he got into an accident and cut his knee. A wart grew from there and spread uncontrollably o_O
The best part?
He has his very own "clan" of freakazoids.
It's sooo creepy.
Check his crew that he hangs with:
Bubble Man.....
....Nose Man.
The really whacked out part of The Lady is... her left eye ACTUALLY MOVESSSSSSSS.
The Clan.
Oh, gosh.
I don't know how I'm going to sleep now.
I had to let this out.
Sorry if I freaked some of you out but I DID warn you in advance!!
I think it's not really nice to label them as "freakazoids". It's pretty harsh, no? They're not freaks..just ppl who have conditions with their skin or whatever.
calling them freakazoids and reiterating how grossed out you feel certainly misses the mark in expressing your sadness for the situation they are in no? what makes them any less human than you?
^ ck does have a point. calling them freakazoids is such a mean thing to say.
Just like that rat post from days gone by, let me be the first to forgive you for this one too.
freak |frēk|
1 a very unusual and unexpected event or situation : the teacher says the accident was a total freak | [as adj. ] a freak storm.
• (also freak of nature) a person, animal, or plant with an unusual physical abnormality.
• informal a person regarded as strange because of their unusual appearance or behavior.
They are simply people with an unusual appearance. Happy?
So no, I won't take back what I said. I am sorry for their situation but I am in no need for forgiveness for calling them "freaks". It's simply you people that use the work "freak" in such perspective to think I would've meant it in a bad way.
Maybe bring a dictionary with you before you decide to judge me.
Best part?
Read this: http://www.discoverychannel.co.uk/web/my-shocking-story/previous-episodes/half-man-half-tree/
And quote,"In an attempt to earn a living to support his family, he is part of a circus troupe, displaying his Tree Man limbs along with others afflicted with skin deformities in ‘freak’ shows.
miss wishful has a point.
point taken!
shall bring a dictionary along with me the next time then. ;p
have a great weekend ahead! :)
Oh gosh, he is in a freak show because he has no alternative to support his two children.
I do agree with Natalia that the word has its formal meaning.
However, now that u know the meaning of the word, let us say,if your mom developed a strange and unusual condition, would u still call her a freak ?
Thank you, Pin.
And thank you, Kim.
Anonymous, would you?
Whatz wrong with you guys if Miss Wishful wanna share her opinions and thoughts on her blog ?
You guys can't even get over the "freak" word written on her own blog. OMG.
Go get a life.
heyy,:).You look like a model,how tall are you?I really admire your style.
Yeah, I saw this on Discovery once (awhile back). Had mixed feelings bout the whole thing but it's interesting to know of these such conditions.
Thanks for sharing though!
Doesn't hurt to expand knowledge.
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